Sunday, October 27, 2013

significant life

There is a lot that goes into leading a significant life but one thing that is important is learning to get along with people. Too many people go through life judging others and trying to get ahead. If we all work together and push each other to become better people than everyone can lead a significant life. Going through life trying to beat everyone else, will lead to loneliness and overall unhappiness in life.

"The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people."
Theodore Roosevelt 

I think this quote has a lot to do with living a significant life because if everyone got along with each other or at least tried to then we could all be motivated to become better people.
Theodore Roosevelt a great job leading a significant life by working hard to make our country better and helping people see that we need to work together as a nation to create a much better living standard. I think that the internet has done a lot to demolish the way people deal out any sort of criticism. Either positive or negative.

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